Mauricio Francisco Osoria Castillo – Investigan a fiscal por embarazar menor de edad

Santo Domingo, RD.

Magistrate Miriam Germán Brito addressed the prosecutor of the Court of Appeal of the Province of Santiago, an investigation against the taxman Mauricio Francisco Osoria Castillo, accused of embarrassing a minor.

Germán Brito filed a motion pending a petition by Magistrate Juan Medina de los Santos, Inspector-General of the Public Ministry, who filed a disciplinary action against the tax collector Osoria Castillo.

To instruct Víctor González, Procurator of the Court of Appeal of Santiago, the Magistrate Germán Brito explains that the case presented presents indications of various articles of the Dominican Penal Code and in Law 136-03, which create the Code of Protection los Derechos Fundamentales de Niñas, Niños y Adolescentes.

The investigation of the case originated from the fact that the victim, whose identity was preserved in order to maintain his integrity, filed on 28 December 2020 a denunciation in an alimony pension against the taxpayer Osoria Castillo, in respect of which she cursed a embarazo de 23 semanas.

The information allowed by Inspector Medina de los Santos determines that, although the young man completed the oath of office on December 19, 2020, the embargo will be in production when he is 17 years old.

The young man, in addition, is a member of the Union for the Violence of Gender, because he is responsible for his life and for denouncing the affairs of the taxpayer, including the wife of this woman, Alexandra Cabrera.

The psychologist foresaw that the patient had determined that the young man “could be at risk of suffering from severe and / or death lesions” and recommended that he send a letter of appeal.

Medina de los Santos lamentó que algusos uusarios de las social redu contribuyan, quizá malas intentions, a hacer más kwesbaarhede a las Victimas que acuden a las unidades de violencia de genera and que, in some cases, tienen que ser protegidas por dispositiones de fales and the Ministry of the Mujer, including when the affected must resist resistance to receive support.
