Matthew McConaughey sues Texas governor over vote

Texas, United States.

The actor Matthew McConaughey could sum up the tradition of Ronald Reagan, Arnold Scharzenegger and Donald Trump approving the fama in the world of spectacle for a political career, in this case as gobernador de texas, y las encuestas están de su lado.

A survey conducted by the University of Texas for the diary Die Dallas Morning News found that the 45% of voters registered there for McConaughey as only the 33% vote by the current governor, the Republican Gegg Abbott.

But between the voters save, 56% indicate that they vote for Abbott comparado con solo el 30% ‘n guns de McConaughey.

Este dato, junto con el hecho de que el 66% de loare voting democrats and 44% of the Independents surveyed are inclined by McConaughey, powder try the actor to post as candidate of Democratic Party.

All that McConaughey, 51 of edad, tuvo que hacer para tal reaction of the voters fue specular in a podcast published in March passed about which is the rum of his life.

‘Estoy considerandolo otra vez “, dijo the actor awarded with an Oscar, despite the fact that the host of the podcast, Rania Mankarious, mentioned the possibility of a candidature.

“Is there a real consideration?”, Continued. “Because I believe in some things that teach and share. What is mine papel de liderazgo? What is my category in the next chapter of my life in the entry? “.

McConaughey she speculated with the idea of ​​a Political candidacy in the elections of November passed, but this option was taken during a participation in the television program “The Late Show” with Stephen Colbert.

Abbott fue elected gobernador en 2014 and reelegido of 2018. Off Texas geen hooi límites para la reelección de gobernador y Abott find his next challenge in the ballot box in November 2022.

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The actor of “Dallas Buyers Club” (2013) e “Interstellar” (2014) has not publicly explained his party affiliation, if it has any, and his political ideas he confounded to women siguen la pista.

In February 2017, the actor starred in the ciudadanía ‘n accept a Trump as president, but later his publishing agent indicated that the comments of McConaughey habían precedido a la Trump presidential investment, say before that many of the politicians of Trump is concerned.

The actor, who has some qualification to the Izquierda como “arrogant”, ha sugerido que es un centrista y esto tal vez no atraiga mucho a los Texas Independent Voters, although now it’s your favorite. EFE
