Matthew McConaughey considers running for governor of Texas

The “True Detective” star, whose hometown is Texas, says he’s thinking about it and maybe that’s what he wants to do with the next chapter of his life.

In a recent episode of Crime Stoppers from the podcast “The Balanced Voice” in Houston, McConaughey told host Rania Mankarious that the candidate for governor is a real consideration.

“I’m looking at it again now, what’s my leadership role?” he said. “Because I do think I have some things to learn and share, and what’s my role? What’s my category in my next chapter of the life I’m going into?”

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott will be re-elected next year.

Back in November, McConaughey was asked the same question in ‘The Hugh Hewitt Show,’ and he said, ‘I do not know. sou ek. ‘

“Look, it seems to me that politics is currently a broken issue. And when politics redefines its purpose, I can be much more interested,” he added.
