Matt Smith, Tobias Menzies and the team behind the crown pay tribute to Prince Philip

When the royal family announced the sad news that Prince Philip had died this morning at the age of 99, there was an outpouring of statements and memorials to the late Queen of world leaders and members of monarchies across Europe.

Philip is also remembered by the cast and crew of The crown, the popular Netflix series that tells (and sometimes fictionalizes) the reign of Queen Elizabeth.

“Netflix, Left Bank Pictures, Sony Pictures Television and the production team The crown is very sad to hear of the death of The Duke of Edinburgh, ”reads a statement from the team behind the popular royal drama, according to the Hollywood Reporter. “We think of the royal family in this sad time.”

The early seasons of the series focused on the beginnings of Philip and Elizabeth’s marriage, and her time as a young queen, while later seasons provided insight into their lasting partnership, and how Philip wrestled with his position as wife. Although additional seasons are planned – it is expected that season five will start filming this summer, the program is unlikely to reach modern times, and therefore Philip’s death will not be portrayed on screen.

The two actors Philip has played so far, Matt Smith and Tobias Menzies, also shared their reactions to the news. Read the thoughts below.

prince philip the crown

Matt Smith (left) and Tobias Menzies (right) as Prince Philip in The Crown.


Matt Smith

“I want to express my condolences to Her Majesty the Queen and the Royal Family. Prince Philip was the man. And he knew it. 99 and beyond, but what a turn. And what a style. “Thank you for your service old boyfriend – it will not be the same without you,” he said in a statement. Hollywood Reporter.

Tobias Menzies

Menzies tweeted:

‘If I know anything about the Duke of Edinburgh, I’m pretty sure he does not want an actor who shows him on TV, who gives their opinion on his life, so I’ll leave that to Shakespeare.

‘Oh good old man! how good it is in you / the constant service of the ancient world … ‘


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