Matre salió de viaje by the pandemic in June and now find his body in the desert | News Univision Sucesos

Human remains found my past in California were identified as belonging to Erika Lloyd, a mother who takes a journey through solitary confinement during the war and from these entities has disappeared.

On June 17, the family passed away and reported that she had lost three days without contacting her. According to information from the San Bernandino County Sheriff’s Office, the woman was last seen by her cashiers at Walnut Creek on June 14. She lives with other people in the Joshua Tree National Park.

Casi also had his shots, his body was thrown into a desert zone of Wonder Alley the 31st of January. To identify the authorities using Lloyd’s dental records. At the moment the cause of his death is an enigma, while the results of the autopsy are not known.

In a Facebook page created by the family to find out, their German share the police notice. “Geen hooi una manera facil para mí de decirles todo esto y nee hooi una manera facil par que ninguno de nosotros lo reciba. Mi deseo es que todos podamos acercarnos un poco más, abrazarnos y recordarnos más a menudo que estamos aqui elo otro “Brazos abiertos y un amor sin fin; es lo que ella hubiera querido; es el spiritu de quien era”, writes the hermano.

“Recuérdala, appreciates her memory, celebrates the passing moments and laughs; she always loves to touch. Erika adoraba a todos; dejaba una sonrisa brillante en el corazón de todos; te recordaba quién eras en verdad y lo importante y amado que eras “, aggregated in its publication.

Erika Lloyd was a 37 year old mother. According to his family’s KESQ local media, he decided to have a “pandemic route” in order to distract from the virus and the encore, as well as problems that arise in his business, even if he writes only on his behalf the 12 years.

“Paris is good”, says the mother, Ruth Lloyd. “It’s always been around for three months, it’s not possible to work and it’s trying to educate its hijacker in this case when it’s affecting it, it’s the pressure and it’s getting bigger,” he added.

After their disappearance, the authorities carried out various operational searches without results. In agreement with the police, the investigation of this case has been opened and from the Office of the Sheriff of the San Bernandino district I have been asked to provide information to the detective Michael Gardea, of the Special Investigations Division, by telephone (909) 387-3589.

