Matrastra de Frida confirms that niña lloraba al hablar de Enrique Guzmán

“We, as adults, have to protect ourselves from the depressors. Sadly, as we now know it is reality, the group of deputies is the most representative of its deputies, the most searching people and the ones who confide in the tenemos: the abuels, the tios or the more distressed friends ”.

The last few paraphernalia, however, will be removed and refurbished for one more time in total confidence in Frida Sofia’s.

“The one who abused you was the abuser. Quien está mal es la sociedad. And whoever abuses and perpetuates an abuse, a toxic machismo, is the same society.

I want to make sure you create it. I am ready to support anyone who needs it. Like your dad and her husband. La culpa no es tuya. The abuser is him ”.
