Matan has led the campaign and is nominated for the Liberal Party in La Paz

LA PAZ, HONDURAS.-Dentro de su propia casa fue asesinado un líder campesino y precidencial presidencial del Partido Libertad y Refundación (Libre) en la aldea El Ocotal, Santiago de Puringla, La Paz.

The failed, identified as Félix Vásquez, finds itself descending when various men enter by force to their life and acribillaron.

LEA: Matan inside his vehicle and trader in San Pedro Sula

In agreement with the relationship of the vecinos, listen to various disparos and when salieron pudieron ver to varrio hombres huir de la vivienda del secretary general de la Campo Workers’ Union (UTC).

Agents of the National Police llegaron hastta el lugar y encontraron a Vásquez tirado en el suelo. It does not have vital signs.

ADEMÁS: Matan a dos supuestos ladrones que asaltaban un bus en de capital de Honduras

The motives of the lamentable crime and the parade of those responsible are discussed.


Popular organizations, campsites and boards will be judged by the city. Además will demand security for women luchan for the welfare of the people.
