Matan a una mujer y lanzan el cadáver a la basura en Santiago

An ultimate woman and her descending body were launched at the base in a building in the Buenos Aires sector of this city of Santiago.

Helping staff find the home of this woman the body of the woman, what identity is known.

According to the authorities, the body was launched by victims at the expense of a mountain of trumpets, which was sent to the National Institute of Forensic Sciences, Regional Norte INACIS-RN, to practice the corresponding studies.

Various Units of the Central Directorate of Criminal Investigation (DICRIM), as well as fiscal variances, will be present at the location, in order to achieve all the security cameras of the perimeter in search of evidence.

Vecino de zona donde fue tirado el cuerpo dijeron que la mujer frecuentaba y deambulaba por los previos de los secectors Buenos Aires, Camboya y Los Salados.

Califaron el hecho as a salvajismo, ya que ella era una indigende person que solo pedía algo de comer.
