Matan a balazos a dos migrantes hondureños y hieren a otros tres en México


Hundreds of Honduran migrants were taken to Tyros and three of them were hereditary in the attacks on the subjects who were intentionally attracted to the municipality of Huimanguillo, in the Mexican state of Tabasco, sureste del país, informs este martes autoridades locales.

In agreement with the proportion of information provided by the Municipal Police, the aggression will take place at 08:20 hours (13.20 GMT), when the five hundred Honduran migrants are being chased through the trains and the cars are taken by accident.

The Central Americans intend to escape from the ascent, but they will fight during the attack in the community of Chontalpa Station87 km away from Villahermosa, capital of Tabasco.

“Dos hombres en una motocicleta les dispararon y querían asaltarlos. Ellos -los centroamericanos- se echaron a correr y quedaron en las vías del tren. Ahí murieron dos y tres quedaron heridos de bala”, dijo Luis Mateo Díaz, inspecteur van die municipale by Huimanguillo.

The official ensures that the five Central Americans are headed to Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz, to take the train to continue its journey to the destination in the United States.

Signal that the three sorevivientes were transferred to his medical attention at the regional hospital of the municipality of Huimanguillo, donde fueron attendidos por heridas de bala.

The migrants heridos with army of fugue son: Eliezer Joaquin Sosa Madariaga of 27 years, who presented a ball impact in the brazo derecho; Yondi Renan Rojas, of 32 years, with herida de bala in the pierna derecha and Gerson Obany Reyes Sánchez, of 23 years, lesionado a la altura de la costilla izquierda.

While the bankruptcy cases have not been identified.

The community of Chontalpa Station, is considered by the Tabasco authorities, as a high-risk zone for Central American migrants who continue to suffer aggression in step with the entity, in addition to the region’s crime organization Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación, and a band dedicated to it.

Tras los hechos, la Fiscalía general del Estado de Tabasco (FGE), opened an investigation carpet.
