Master Collection comes to Xbox One in June

Cow Tecmo and developer Team Ninja have announced Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection, a collection of three classic Ninja Gaiden titles that will hit Xbox One on June 10th.
Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection includes Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2, Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge and ‘most of the previously released game modes and DLC costumes’ in one package. Unfortunately, it seems that the games included in the collection will be straight-gates rather than remasters, as there is still no talk of improvements to the resolution or the frame rate.

“Ninja Gaiden is one of the most important and monumental titles for the Team Ninja brand, but we have not yet been able to release the series title on the current generation platforms. A trilogy,” said Team Ninja Yosuke Hayashi. holding challenging action games, we hope you will give it a try. “

Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection Releases Xbox One and Xbox Series X on June 10 | S via backward compatibility.
