Massive Pfizer Coronavirus Vaccine Study of 1.2 Million People Delivers News to See – BGR

  • A study involving 1.2 million people in Israel, half of whom were fully vaccinated with the Pfizer / BioNTech drug, shows that the vaccine is very effective in preventing severe COVID-19.
  • The researchers also learned that the vaccine provides excellent protection against severe COVID-19, hospitalization and death – even after just one dose.
  • The study was conducted in the early phase of vaccinations in Israel, during which the B.1.1.7 mutation became dominant in the country.

Candidates for coronavirus vaccination have been in the region for more than two months in various regions around the world, including North America, the European Union and Israel. More than 227.6 million people received at least one dose of vaccine as of Friday morning, and more than 46 million received the full two-dose treatment. Of all the countries that started vaccinations once the first candidates for emergency use were approved, Israel has made the greatest progress. The country has already vaccinated 53.7% of its population with at least one dose, amounting to 4.65 million people. What is even more impressive is that 37.8% of Israel’s two doses have already been received, or 3.27 million people. This gives Israel a huge advantage over everyone, and the country is likely to be the first to achieve herd immunity.

Israel’s accelerated vaccination program has also enabled scientists in the country to conduct the world’s most extensive vaccination study to date. More than 1 million people have been observed to measure the efficacy of the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine in Israel, far exceeding the scope of Phase 3 trials. The good news is that the findings are in line with the findings of Pfizer and BioNTech, which provide additional insight into the benefits of the drug. What is more interesting is that the study was done just when the British mutation (B.1.1.7) became dominant in Israel.

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The Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine was 92% effective in preventing serious diseases after complete two-dose treatment. The researchers also measured the effectiveness after the first dose and found that the drug was 62% effective in preventing severe COVID-19. Similarly, a single dose was sufficient to avoid COVID-19 deaths two to three weeks after the first sting with 72% efficacy.

The vaccination was 57% effective in preventing COVID-19 symptoms two to three weeks after the first dose and 94% per week or more after the second dose. The phase 3 trial, which included 30,000 volunteers, showed that the drug was 95% effective.

The efficacy to prevent hospitalization was 74% after one dose and 87% after complete treatment. In terms of preventing confirmed infections, the efficacy was 46% and 92%, respectively. The study could not determine if the vaccine could prevent the spread of the virus, although reducing the number of infections gives researchers hope that this may be the case.

The medicine worked just as well in young people and in people over 70, the researchers found. A total of 41 people died from COVID-19 complications, but only nine were in the vaccine group.

The Clalit Research Institute and the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel worked with Harvard University on the study. This includes 600,000 people over the age of 16 who were vaccinated in December and January, and it compares to an equal number of people who did not receive the vaccine. None of these participants tested positive for COVID-19 before the study.

“It’s very reassuring … better than I would guess,” said Dr. Gregory Poland of Mayo Clinic said Associated Press. “Even after one dose, we can be very effective in preventing death,” said Dr. Buddy Creech, Vanderbilt University, told the news website. No single doctor was involved in the Israeli study.

Both doctors agreed that the study provides more evidence to delay the second dose so that more people can get protection from the first admission. Some countries changed the vaccination protocol as early as 2021. The UK postponed the second shot by up to 12 weeks to cover more people. The Pfizer / BioNTech doses are supposed to be administered three weeks apart, according to the Phase 3 trial protocol.

Another idea to expand the offering is to give COVID-19 survivors just one dose instead of two. France is already doing so, the report says. At least four studies have concluded that a single dose is sufficient to increase the immune response in COVID-19 survivors at the same level as two doses.

Another major advantage of the study is that it was conducted when the B.1.1.7 variant became dominant in Israel. Therefore, the different efficacy levels observed by the researchers indicate that the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine works well against this particular strain. The study may also help vaccinate people who do not decide, as one narrative that people who do not use vaccines often cited that phase 3 trials were limited. The Israel trial only addressed the issues, given how broad they were.

The full study is available at this link.

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Chris Smith started writing about hobbies as a hobby, and before he knew it, he shared his views on technological things with readers around the world. If he does not write about equipment, he can not stay in it, even though he is desperately trying. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing.
