Mass vaccination efforts in Orange County are being experienced as problems with registration sites

Orange County’s demand for coronavirus vaccination overloads the current registration system that allows people to get an appointment vaccinated, causing confusion and anger for some residents.

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“The site is not user-friendly at all, and I think it’s going to crash. You think in 2021 we can bring everything together. We had a year to prepare for this, ‘JoAnn Arvizu said in a Thursday telephone interview.

Arvizu, a 71-year-old resident of Huntington Beach, said she had been trying to get an appointment for her 77-year-old husband and herself since the website was launched earlier this week.

‘I know how to operate a computer, and yesterday we asked you to log in and enter a password, and they said you were ready. And then you go log in and say you need to reset your password. It happened to my husband six times, ‘said Arvizu.

She expressed frustration over the fact that she could not get some confirmation and about the apparent website errors.

‘They did not even ask for an email address to notify you. You should continue to visit their website to find out if you have an appointment. Then there’s an appointment … you click on it and it says you need to update your profile. Well, I just posted my profile info there yesterday and do you want me to update it? Arvizu said.

She is not alone.

Numerous elderly residents have expressed almost the same concern as Voice of OC throughout the week.

Arvizu compared the situation to the famous Abbott and Costello baseball routine.

“At the end of the page there is your appointment or cancel your appointment. Well, I do not have an appointment. Who’s first here? I’m so crazy I do not even want to do this. But I will keep trying, ”said Arvizu.

Othena, the website and application to register people for the vaccination, was overloaded this week, causing registration delays.
