Mass Effect’s Pinnacle Station DLC is lost forever due to data corruption

The Pinnacle Station, a training facility added to the first Mass effect, will not appear in Mass Effect: Legendary Edition along with over 40 other pieces of downloadable content. Game Informer reports that the Pinnacle Station, created by Demiurge Studios for the first game, could not be saved due to data corruption.

Legendary issue repackages the original trilogy and all the content previously released, with new features and a major graphical overhaul. Talk to Game Informer, game director Mac Walters said that rescuing the DLC was an ’emotional rollercoaster’ that included reaching out to Demiurge and obtaining backups. The developer source code has been corrupted. The original source code was also notoriously lost, which kept PlayStation 3 players from experiencing it when the game arrived on the platform.

The re-creation of the DLC would have taken six months with “most” of Legendary issueteam, Walters said. “I wish we could do it. Honestly, just because it’s meant to be everything the team has ever created, brought back together – all the single player content. And it left on the operating room floor, it was heartbreaking. ”

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition launches May 14 on PC, PS4 and Xbox One.
