Mass Effect 3 Extended Cut Ending is a part of Canon’s in the legendary edition

When Mass Effect: Legendary Edition launches in May, it will include all the content of the original Mass Effect Trilogy and its DLC, including, confirmed BioWare, the additional fourth installment of the Extended Cut. the decision stemmed from the desire to include as much of the DLC content in the collection as possible as if players had downloaded the content from the beginning.

“For the people who had a long track, it became the experience for them, and it will be the experience for everyone who also plays the Legendary Edition,” he said. ‘And finally … you’re done with a match and there are things you wish you could do or things you want to add, and for me Extended Cut was the opportunity to have a little more love and a little more add more context around the end. So this is for me part of the canon. “

The effects of Mass Effect 3 were known to be controversial after release, with director Casey Hudson defending the game at the time. The subsequent Expanded Cut was released to add more context to the endings: “It does not fundamentally change the endings,” reads a 2012 press release, “but rather expands on the meaning of the original endings, and reveals more details on the impact of player decisions. ‘

Walters also confirmed to IGN that Mass Effect: Legendary Edition will not only include content that was later added to the original games via DLC, but will also include some minor, brand new adaptations to the game – specifically for certain boss battles that was unnecessarily frustrating for players. As an example, Walters pointed to the battle against Asari Matriarch Benezia in Mass Effect 1.

‘A lot of people were very frustrated by a number of things: there’s a lack of coverage in the fight, so you’re constantly flanked; her ability to immobilize you almost immediately, ‘he said. ‘To vote for some of it. Not so much that the fight is not always a hard fight – it has to be a hard fight – but just so that you can not immediately completely knock on your back.

“And also, just on the frustrating side of it, to add discrete car savings at certain points as well. I believe in that you specifically had to trace back quite a few ways if you lost that battle, and now if you lose it for the first time, you start just again with the fight; you do not have to go through all the scenes. Such things. And then it will vary depending on the boss fight we would try to do, many times it’s just to make sure the player has enough coverage and then adjust things accordingly. “BioWare announced today that Mass Effect: Legendary Edition will be released on May 14, 2021 for PS4, Xbox One and PC, and although it’s compatible with next generation consoles going forward, the studio confirmed today that it has no plans . for a dedicated next-generation release or optimization series.

Legendary Edition features all single-player base and DLC content from the original Mass Effect trilogy, newly mastered with enhancements such as better framework and 4K Ultra HD optimization. It is now available to pre-order using our pre-order guide, and you can read our first impressions of the collection here.

Rebekah Valentine is a news reporter for IGN. You can find her on Twitter @duckvalentine.
