Masks and social distance can ‘last years’, says top scientist

According to a leading epidemiologist, measures for social distance and face masks can be used ‘for years’.

Mary Ramsay, head of vaccination at Public Health England, said on Sunday “people have now become accustomed to the lower level restrictions, and people can live with that, and the economy can still continue with the less severe restrictions that are there.”

Warns the government must “look very carefully before any restrictions are lifted”, said dr. Ramsay also said that the return of major spectator events should be carefully monitored and clear instructions should be given to stay safe.

“I definitely think for a few years, at least until other parts of the world have been vaccinated as well as we have, and the numbers have come down everywhere, that is when we can very gradually return to a more normal situation,” she told the BBC. said.

Half of all British adults have now received their first dose of Covid vaccine, with Friday setting the record for most jabs given in one day. A combined 711 156 first and second doses were given to members of the public.
