Masahiro Tanaka exchange opinion and the Yankees is not his priority

The Japanese Masahiro Tanaka I have no plans to abandon it MLB if you do not want to launch with them Yankees of New York.

Now it turns out that Tanaka wants to be judged in the MLB see con los Yankees o no sean con ellos, luego de decir que si no lanzaba con los Newyorkinos, entonces se iría a Japón nuevamente.

According to The Score, the two-star all-star confession will consider offers from other teams that will have a high score in the United States, even if they are not regressed to the Japanese baseball.

Here is the report:

Masahiro Tanaka came to make a record of 3-3 with 3.56 in efficiency in 48 appearances with 44 punches in over 10 games.

However, although one all-star all-star has had delicate operations in his brazier and has had 32 years of oath, that is to say, his oath must precede the place of the contract, always and when Yankees.

Tanaka of 32 years with 6’3 of stature and 200 books, has 7 seasons in the Grand Leagues and has had all the star games that are celebrated all year.
