Marysol Sosa responds to the allegations made by Sarita’s lawyer about José José’s herencia

The notice of that Anel Noreña ha sido nombrada heredera universal de José José, led by Sara Sosa, he has less of the failed cantante, to manifest against this determination, ensuring that his procedure is valid, then his client is and will be the only legal representative. With respect, Marysol Sosa ha roto el silencio, para dar repuesta a estas afirmaciones, descartando que existing algun otro testamento como ha ha deado ver la parte defensora de Sarita, quien asegura le debe muchas explanations en torno a lo que aconteción durante ultimos dias de vien su proen as far as this recent triumph is concerned, she and her family are looking for justice.

Marysol Sosa and José JoséVER GALLERY


From the most direct, Marysol rejects the statements made by Sarita’s representative to the program Suelta la Sopa, it is clear that this will increase the likelihood of the existence of another will in Miami. ‘Nee lo hooi, al día de hoy este es literlike el unico testamento que existe, passed the time it passed with respect, in these times was exactly what we were going to do, in legal relation and all the time, and no existing other document …”, Explained the life of José José in an interview with Javier Poza, in Radio Formula, making sure that todavía hay many things that are pendientes, because the reading of the will is only a first step.

Before the speeches of Sarita’s lawyer, who also had to pay for the document that was supremely accredited to his client as the legal representative of the company, Marysol was punctual, then between other things, the litigant assured that it was not established by the Mexican laws. “Allá (in Miami) is from time to time to do this quiz as a game … when the world is no, we have a very serious case, The laws of this Mexico are not being judged respectfully, and by that they are, I am not this person who is not … we are not judging …”, Afiró la también cantante, que ha felebrado de esta manera el hecho de que su madre haya sido nombrada heredera universal.

Marysol Sosa and José JoséVER GALLERY

Search for justice

With all companies, Marysol also announced that the reading of his father’s will be only one of his victories, then close search, through the Corte in the United States, to obtain the answers that he searched in the fall of his father , who was taken to Miami by her husband Sarita. ‘No hemos terminado, no ya cantamos victoria. Faltan todavía many processes, ours hemos dado el paso uno de los proximos cuatro o cinco pasos que nos esperan …”, Explained during the charla, available to read the last instances as a lie.

At the moment, Marysol also clarifies the intentions of the steps he has given to the length of this time, while he as well as his family wanted to know the reasons for the deaths if they had contact with José José last days of his life. “We are starting to do good justice, thank God, but we have not finished and we must not give a damn teng I do not intend to see what I have done to my father, never have my intention, we have to keep it. , sí seores … les recuerdo que lo our nosotos haciendo y clamando es justicia, porque finally to our acquaintance nos lo quitaron …”, Afirmó.

Marysol Sosa and José JoséVER GALLERY
