Marvel’s Avengers update finally lets you play the campaign again

In today’s developer stream of Marvel’s Avengers, Crystal Dynamics announced that players will be able to play the game’s campaign when the Hawkeye update kicks off on March 18. The update is expected to be huge, with Hawkeye and its related content being added, as well as the game’s PS5 and Xbox Series X / S launch.

In the stream, Andy Wong, community manager, acknowledged that a repeat campaign was one of the most requested features of fans. “It’s something we’re seen over and over again on Twitter and socials and everything: ‘Can we play the campaign again? Can we play the campaign again?'” Wong said, as reported by Game Informer. “You can on the 18th! You will keep everything you have. You keep XP, your equipment and everything, but you can play the campaign from start to finish again.”

Players will have to completely restore their campaign progress to play it again, but they will retain all character progress and inventory items.

The next update is huge, with the next generation upgrade bringing a number of changes, including the overall slowdown of the XP system. The update also offers new content, including the conclusion of the Hawkeye story and its addition as a playable hero, a new villain and biome, and the introduction of customizable HARM Rooms.

The update falls on March 18 and players can upgrade to the next generation game for free if they are lucky enough to own a next generation console.

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