Marvel moves to another universe with “WandaVision”

This cinematic universe is expanding its expansion with “WandaVision”, the first of a series of series that Marvel Studios has planned to shoot in 2021.

Elizabeth Olsen and Paul Bettany return to the role of “Wanda Maximoff / Scarlet Witch-La Bruja Escarlata” and “Vision” for the series of new episodes about a matrimony that the commune intends to encounter in a new nursery. The series, as he advances the advances, boasts a variety of “sitcoms” that he has made a mark on television since the beginning of the 50th anniversary.

“WandaVision”, which produces its promises in the production of Kevin Feige, is the largest television series of television. To log the tone of each of these sites – all very representative of its era – the team completes the retention rate of adapting the capabilities of their extraordinary to the specific aesthetics of each of them. This, by default, requires the implementation of practical effects.

“I can not believe my narration, as long as we invent something that appeals to this period,” said actress Elizabeth Olsen during a virtual press conference in response to one of our questions. “As far as our solution goes [mover el dedo arriba y abajo]”Explains the protagonist, who interprets one of the most powerful characters in the Marvel universe.

Although its powders have been previously featured in movies such as “Avengers: Age of Ultron” and “Avengers: Infinity War”, it has always required the help of special effects and CGI, which we will ask about using the experiences Wanda en maneras que nunca habría imagina.

“Fue divertido ver como persona que usually provocative explosions, prenden cosos en fuego y crean humo se convirtieron en titiriteros. Now it is possible to log that some things float in the air and use them for other animals, ”Olsen shared about the different methods that are used to adapt their powders to the different epochs, but especially in a series of references here.

“I am acostumbrada a todo vaya tomando forma con CGI, asi que fue muy divertido poder trabaar con practicos, aún quuan hayan sido cosas tontas como quedarte quieta una toma, hacer un cambio y luego tratar de recordar cómo etablas .

The “WandaVision” series will train this year, January 15th on the Disney + platform, where the first episodes will be available.
