Marvel drops one last trailer for The Falcon and the Winter Soldier

Marvel’s The falcon and the winter soldier debuts this Friday on Disney +.

With WandaVision now in the rearview mirror, Marvel fans have turned their attention to the upcoming premiere of The falcon and the winter soldier this Friday. Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan play their roles as Sam Wilson (the falcon) and Bucky Barnes (the winter soldier) for a series that follows the events of Avengers: Endgame.

As we reported earlier, the Avengers and their many allies finally defeated Thanos Endgame, Steve Rogers / Captain America (Chris Evans) handed over his shield to Sam so he could take on the mantle. But will Sam accept it? That’s a big part of what The falcon and the winter soldier will explore over the course of its six episodes, and fan Malcolm Spellman said the tone will be similar to Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

Sam and Bucky will “work together on a global adventure that tests their abilities and their patience.” The primary villain is Baron Helmut Zemo, a terrorist of Sokovian colonel who is obsessed with defeating the Avengers, with Daniel Brühl taking the role Captain America: Civil War. Director Kari Skogland said that his appearance in the series shows that he ‘pays for his crimes’ and ‘in a very sad place’.

Emily VanCamp repeats her Civil War role as Sharon Carter, daughter of Steve Rogers’ co-star Peggy Carter. Don Cheadle will appear in the series as Rhodey / War Machine, and Georges St-Pierre is back as mercenary and kickboxing master Georges Batroc, whose last MCU appearance was in Winter Soldier. Wyatt Russell plays John F. Walker, who is the choice that the U.S. government is Captain America’s successor. (Apparently, Walker thinks he’s a better personification of American values ​​than Rogers. ‘So he certainly does not lack confidence.)

The studio dropped a striking, action-packed ‘first look’ trailer for the series during Disney Investor Day in December, showing the superhero’s buddy’s buddy of the cop, the barbs and wisdom exchanges between the bad guys, exhibited. A second trailer last month gave us a two-minute look at Zemo’s distinctive purple mask amidst all the action.

The final trailer opens with Sam practicing throwing Cap’s old shield and telling Bucky that it “feels like it belongs to someone else.” Both are clearly struggling with the burden of trying to live up to the legacy of Steve Rogers and what he has proposed for so many. Mackie said his character feels particularly apprehensive about taking up the shield: “How does a black man represent a country that does not represent him?” As for Bucky, Stan said his character in the series is ‘fairly lost and has an identity crisis again’, struggling with a century of trauma and his own long-lasting dark nature.

“Symbols are nothing without men and women giving them meaning,” Sam said in a speech in honor of Rogers, while a politician insisted, “We need someone to inspire us again.” Those hoping for a little more Zemo will be disappointed; he is largely absent from this last trailer, as is Walker. But we get a little more footage from the ‘anarchist anti-patriotism group’ called the Flag Smashers, with Erin Kellerman playing one of the masked members, Karli Morgenthau. “We’re never going to stop. This world is ours,” we hear her say about a montage of masked looters who rob a bank and generally wreak havoc. “There is no going back.” Sam tries to tell her that it does not have to be a war. But in Karli’s eyes, “It’s already.”

The falcon and the winter soldier debuted at Disney + on March 19, 2021.

Listed by YouTube / Marvel
