Martin Vizcarra dice that volunteered for the proofs of the vacuna

(CNN Español) – The sanitary crisis that the covid-19 pandemic created in Peru cost the city five health ministers. The revelation of former president Martin Vizcarra that in October he volunteered in the clinical trials of the Sinopharm Chinese Laboratory, tests in phase 3 trials, can have the gut that was needed for Pilar Mazzetti to become the fifth occupant of it cartera in a year. The sixth Minister of Health, Oscar Ugarte, took the floor during the sitting this Saturday.

Vizcarra no había informed haber sido volunteario. At a youth press conference, one of the 12,000 volunteers taking part in the Sinopharm trials, which began in Peru in September with the coordination of the Cayetano Heredia University, took place.

On Saturday night, the university declared on its Twitter account that, in response to an inspection by the National Institute of Health, the regulatory authority of these clinical trials, the principal investigator of the tests confirmed that neither Vizcarra nor his wife, Maribel Díaz Cabello, part of the 12,000 volunteers of the Sinopharm investigation into the country.

The UCH’s response was received after three days of controversy over whether Vizcarra volunteered or in fact obtained his vacancy for a lot reserved for personalities, in addition to receiving his inoculation at the Gobierno Palace.

At the press conference, the executor agreed to take part in the participation: “It is up to the President of the Council of Ministers: ‘Oye what is happening if I am a loswillarios in this phase of studies, in this phase ? El premier me dijo, presidente no se lo recomiendo, es muy riesgoso ‘”. Vizcarra agregó: “Finally, after the valiant decision, to sum up the 12 miles voluntarily”.

In an interview with Channel N, the President of the Council of Ministers, Walter Martos, confirmed the remarks made during the break of a meeting and in the presence of the three Ministers, Vizcarra took part in the presentation and took part. of los ensayos. Martos the answer that “in a convenient series, because we do not know the biological effects that can be tener”.

Martos indicates that this is the only way he has been and that he has not been happy since Vizcarra went to volunteer with the students. “Yes, it’s a personal decision, because it’s not a topic that has been discussed in the cabinet,” he said.

On Saturday, CNN consulted Martos, confirming that Vizcarra never provided information that he participated in clinical trials or that he received a “vacancy for consultants”.

Vizcarra, who had been inoculated since October 2, was President of Peru on November 9, when the Congress convened. Participants in these assays did not receive the information if they received the vaccine or placebo at the time of inoculation; tampoco lo saben the medics a cargo of the investigations, tal as he informed the CNN the authorities of the UCH at the initiation of his assays.

Credit: ERNESTO BENAVIDES / AFP via Getty Images

Why did Vizcarra not know how to make this decision when he became president? Next, the executor, as a volunteer, must maintain the case reserve.

Without mentioning his number or confirming his participation in Vizcarra, the Cayetano Heredia University announced in a first instance that all persons and entities referred to a clinical trial are required to maintain the privacy and confidentiality of the data of the dates .

Without embarrassment, the university says that, in extraordinary circumstances and with justified reasons, it is possible to disclose these confidential data to the competent authority. All information related to the participants, given the institution, should be applied for by the INS. At the same time, the UCH confirmed that, in effect, the INS had intervened.

CNN is in contact with Dr. Germán Málaga, investigating officer for the tests and planning of the clinical trials, in order to confirm the podium and confirm that Vizcarra will volunteer or apply the vaccine at the Palacio de Gobierno. His response was: “At the moment it can not be revealed”.

The press conference of Vizcarra del Jueves and the reunion of Pilar Mazzetti el viernes tienen com disparador una difundida informa de miercoles en Willax TV por el periodista Beto Ortiz, segun la cual el exresidente no habría sido volunteario y el Palacio de Gobierno.

Ortiz’s report includes an interview with Carlos Paredes, research author of the book “The Profile of the Laughter. Radiography of a politician with free song ”, a Vizcarra ballad that will be published in March in Peru.

According to CNN reports, according to the information obtained, only the vacancies are available for medical staff and for women participating in the clinical trial, Vizcarra “the direct message to Germán Málaga that he vacated and that he had held on 2 and 29 October. There are no indications that the president participated as a volunteer ”. Málaga did not respond to a consultation behind the CNN sobre ese episodio.

The Diario El Comercio reported the fires that also had been confirmed by its sources, which did not identify, that Vizcarra was evacuated as part of the clinical trials, within which he had received a placebo, meaning that he was injected with a “vacuum for consultants ”. Under this condition, signaled El Comercio, Vizcarra did not use the company’s consent form which subscribes to the volunteers.

According to the State Transparency Portal, Dr. Málaga habría entered the Palacio de Gobierno on October 2, the day before the president said he had been inoculated. His name appears as number 44 in the list of visits to Despacho Presidential that day at 9:59 of the month.

In an interview with RPP’s radio and television magazine in front of the new Minister of Health’s Salud, President Sagasti said about Mazzetti’s meeting and his victory over the controversy over Vizcarra’s vacancy: ‘ rebalsó el vaso, porque net ha sido una cosa punctual; has a continuous slowdown ”. Minutes later, Sagasti said that the Minister had “an extraordinary effort” and that “all of them saw him agotada, he knew that it was and he was right that he had the treatment that he had given, not only in the media but also.” at the Congress ”.

Regarding the vacancy of Vizcarra, Sagasti says that it is “a more thematic” and that he creates that “the themes concerning the tenemos that are now being discussed in our country, apart from the vacancy of the late Vizcarra, are they good, or the hizo mal, si hubo un irresponsable o no responsable, tenemos una tarea por delante, llegan 700.000 vacunas esta noche ”.

The Jews, the President of the Council of Ministers, Violeta Bermúdez, and Pilar Mazzetti, who had been the Minister of Health, were quoted at the Congress to inform about the subject of the vacancy of Vizcarra.

Mazzetti, who was also Minister of Health of Vizcarra, dijo en el Congreso the same thing that the authorities have no suelen participant in this type of assays: “If the lord Martin Vizcarra had received a placebo, he would have been in the clinical ward and generally had no school staff who had the ability to make a decision in a clinical ward ”. According to her, “although working at a decision level like the President of the Republic should abstain from working in a clinical setting and it is clear at the international level”. Walter Martos says that Mazzetti did not stumble upon the small group of ministers to whom Vizcarra commented on his idea of ​​vacancy.

Congressman Jim Ali Mamani has filed a constitutional lawsuit against President Vizcarra over alleged wrongdoing in the wreck’s unproven negotiation.
