Martin Rodríguez: The situation that defines his continuity in Pumas for the MX League

Martín Rodríguez following one of the topics covered in the plant’s environment Pumas UNAM who continues to work to obtain his objective in the Torneo Guard1anes Liga MX 2021 Clausura.

The Chilean footballer who was born six months ago Mazatlán Futbol Club, regressed to Pumas UNAM to unlock the pretemporado with the indications of Andrés Lillini, y aún no se sabe si podrá ser tenido en cuenta.

Asimismo, the trainer propi hizo reference at the poster print conference at the triumph in the Estadio Olímpico Universitario 3 to 0 about Mazatlán: “If the rule is in the migration situation, it will be contemplated”.

Exceed the intentions of Andrés Lillini, posura que ya había enlarado en el ultimo contacta con la prensa luego del empate 0 a 0 con los Xolos de Tijuana, Martín Rodríguez if you do not submit your documentation questions, you must register officially to participate in the MX League.

Ante la lesion de Juan Ignacio Dinenno, Lillini necesita alternativas

Juan Ignacio Dinenno left a molestation that the margins of work in the parish with its companions during some jornadas. Ante este contratiempo, Andrés Lillini need some alternatives for the attack y, one of them, to read a design with its inconveniences in identification, series Martín Rodríguez.
