Married Texas police chief accused of cheating resigns after arrest

A Texas police chief accused of cheating on his wife with two wives, who did not know each other, has resigned after being arrested on suspicion of making a marriage annulment to one of the girlfriends showed, forged.

The city of Stinnett has announced the resignation of Chief Jason Collier ‘immediately in force’, according to a statement released on Thursday.

The 41-year-old Collier was arrested on Thursday for investigating ‘tampering with a government record / with the intent to defraud’, which is a crime, said sergeant. Cindy Barkley of the Texas Department of Public Safety, in a statement.

“Collier allegedly sent an SMS message to the victim with a fraudulent government record,” Barkley said. “The document was a fraudulent cancellation.”

Texas Rangers launched a criminal investigation on Tuesday at the request of the Hutchinson County District Attorney’s Office, Barkley said.

Cecily Steinmetz of Amarillo, Texas, said in a Facebook message Tuesday that she was Collier’s girlfriend until Monday, when she said she found out “Chief Jason Collier lives a double / triple life.”

“He lied to me and submitted false cancellation documents to me when I found out he was married,” Steinmetz wrote. “I also found out about a 2nd girlfriend last night. He lied to us, our kids, and asked us both to marry him.”

She said she returned Sunday from a trip with Collier to Taos, New Mexico, and that “his other GF” was told he was working in Portland, Oregon, as a cover story for the trip.

“He’s a weak representative of your city,” Steinmetz said on Facebook, addressing Stinnett residents. “He also visited me in Amarillo when he was on shift.”

Amarillo is about an hour’s drive south of Stinnett. Collier did not respond to a request for comment Friday.

The bond for Collier was set at $ 10,000, according to Barkley. Online jail records for the sheriff in Hutchinson County did not name Collier as a prisoner or anyone recently released.

“The investigation is continuing and no further information is available,” Barkley said.
