Mark Steyn pushes back executive order Biden’s gun grab ‘

Mark Steyn, host of Fox News Primetime, responds to President Biden’s proposed gun control measures, saying: ‘The more he insists that nothing he does affects the second amendment, the more ammunition sales go through the roof.’

MARK STEYN: An amendment is part of the Constitution, and the Constitution is definitely constitutionally absolute – at least until they can get a judge to yell to rule that the Constitution is unconstitutional. Cycle. In practical terms, the measures include: restrictions on pistol-stabilizing brackets, which, according to Joe Biden, allow handguns to be used as high-accuracy low-strike rifles, and yet with easy concealment of a pistol. A new rule that closes another alleged loophole on so-called ‘ghost guns’ that you can put together yourself, ‘ghost guns’ is one of the new narrow terms they came up with. A national ‘red flag law’ that allows family members or law enforcers to go to court for the suspension of an individual’s second amendment rights, and a gun control advocate as head of the ATF.

Boy, can I not wait to see the impact these movements have on child shooting in Chicago every weekend.

