Mark Cuban Ordena to Dallas Mavericks no tocar hymen de Estados Unidos en juegos de local

A tradition in all the sporting events that take place in the United States is the enthronement, in the preview, of national anthem of this country, algo que sufrirá un quiebre en la National Basketball Association (NBA), all thanks to them Dallas Mavericks and on the contrary, the owner, the empress Cuban brand.

The man of negotiations revealed to The Athletics that has issued an order expressing that all parties played at the American Airlines Center, in the State of Texas, do not touch the song patria American flag, and that posture is unchanging in the long run of the current 2020-2021 season.

Well, the Cuban property and the Mavericks have not publicly shared the reasons for this drastic posture, can you find the answer in the emblems of the empress during the restoration of the temporary passage, in the burbuja of Orlando, where the players are arrodillaban during the national anthem, in signal of protest against systemic racism in the United States.

Mavericks will not sing the national anthem

“The policies related to the sky have been uncontrolled in the United States. If you want to quarrel, ask your wife and ask why you do not give the sky all the days when you try to work”, señaló en su momento el dueño.

Prohibition of probes, it is not the first time that the Mavericks have put the United States anthem, you are a su llegada to the NBA, from 1980 to 1996, prefer the poner la canción God bless America, algo que cambió a los mediados de los 90, lo que se mantuvo hasta la pasada pretempora.

At the moment, Dallas is the first team to take this drastic position, although it has no side with the rest of the French, and it seems difficult to imitate the other.
