Marjorie Taylor Greene, Republican Representative Promoting Conspiracy Theories | News Univision Politica

Marjorie Taylor Greene has not completed her first month in Congress as the Republican Representative of Georgia and has converted into a controversial figure in the Capitol, to the point that many of her colleagues have relied on the sanctioned by the Camera Baja . Although former President Donad Trump has described it as “the new Republican star,” many Republicans are distancing themselves from it.

Including this motion, the President of the Chamber of Deputies, Nancy Pelosi, criticized his Republican colleagues for not doing more to represent him in his extremist rhetoric and declarations before the congress.

“What I am preoccupied with is the Republican leadership in the House of Representatives, which is being pushed to the limit, ignoring these statements,” Pelosi said at his weekly press conference, noting that a CNN reporter informed Greene repeatedly he supports the execution of Democratic political deputies -including Pelosi- tanto in 2018 as in 2019 before being elected as Georgia’s representative in Congress.

A series of revelations about his faith in theories of conspiracy and the diffusion of those he has Greene, as well as his manifestations of support for political violence and other expressions in response to extremist positions, he renewed his demands for his resignation.

Según los reportes e investigaciones recientes, the representative of Georgia, and a video that los los tiroteos of Las Vegas and Parkland, Florida, fueron orquestados. He also posted on Facebook a ridiculous theory of conspiracy against child abuse, and responded online to the ejaculation of former President Barack Obama and other prominent Democrats.

“Semejante responds to extremism and the decision not only to demand his immediate expulsion from the Congress, but also a force and clear condemnation of all his Republican colleagues”, said Gómez in a statement from his office.

Businessman, commentator … congresswoman

Who is this representative of 46 years that create that fraudulent elections, is there a follow-up to former President Donald Trump and support for QAnon and other conspiracy theories?

Greene is from a gymnasium and conducts a construction business founded by his father.

Representing District 14 of the Congress of Georgia, located in the northeast of the state, is white and abruptly Republican. The Republican won in November to withdraw in August of a move to a subdivision in a primary that would take place in the second half. Greene is leaving the vacant post of Tom Graves, another Republican.

Before the second world, Greene’s fascination with QAnon and other conspiracy theories abounds, but the voters of all modes of choice.

According to The New Yorker, she donated a million dollars to her campaign.

His affiliation with QAnon

QAnon is the number that adopts various conspiracy theories of conspiratorial theories, united by the idea that Trump luchaba against an anonymous elite of the government involved in the sexual trafficking of nines, cannibalism and adoration to Satan. Haste has been a marginal group, limited to some online chats or social speeches, but the Trump presidency has long been required to demonstrate in Republican political events and have the ‘Q’ converted into a frequent symbol in many of them.

Jan Pourquoi, a Republican from the Georgia area who represents the legislative controversy and who works in the smelting industry, said The New Yorker that the poor people of rural areas are ignored by both parties and cry that “their culture is very aggressive”.

Greene “aboard the same way that Trump wants,” Dijo Why, adding that she has a more defiant posture.

The High Representative commenced to profess his credentials in QAnon’s theories and fines of 2017, just as soon as a cryptic appearance message on the Internet was published by the Q Clearance Patriot number, including the review.

‘N Partir de entonces comenzó to post videos on Facebook announcing that Q was alguien that “ama mucho a su país” and that is “in the same page as ours”.

In November, Greene responded to reports about his support for QAnon, rewriting conspiracy theories.

On Twitter, for example, it is said that it was not created that the data on Pentecost on September 11, 2001 were caused by a missile signaled by a sequential avion (a life and decredited theory), but he added: “The problem is that our governess means so much as to protect the elite anonymous who move the goblins’ hills ( Deep state) que a veces es dififil saber qué es verdad y qué no es cierto ”.

When he was elected representative, Greene referred to the President of the Baja Nancy Pelosi Chamber as “pu _ _”, and suggested that “a shoot in the closet” would be the most rapid form of the sacrament’s leadership.

“Liberal conspiracy”

In the last few weeks, he has resurrected some of his comments that he made on social media, and a report presented by CNN in which he obtained his views on massive tiroteos in Parkland and Las Vegas as the “only” operations of the Second Entry to Establish. an arms control stricture, which responds to some expressions regarding the need to execute Democratic leaders and federal officials.

I read some videos from Parkland, David Hogg’s Survivor Adolescent, in a Washington DC call and articles in support of QAnon for an extreme rights website.

The representative did not deny the allegations, saying he said the new revelation was part of a liberal conspiracy to “cancel”.

“This is the world, the Democrats and their portraits in the False News Media are not going to go anywhere to get rid of the Republican Conservatives. They stand in my way because I represent an amenity to his socialist meta. They stand against me because I represent the people, not the politicians, ”Greene said. “They were launching into me, because President Trump always defended our values.”

Its embargo includes some Republican lawmakers seeking to distance Greene.

“She is not a Republican”, wrote on his Twitter account Republican Representative Adam Kinzinger, of Illinois, one of the party’s lawmakers who has been more critical of President Trump for spreading false theories about the non-existent November election fraud and solving the turmoil that rocked the Capitol. enero.

“There are many people who think they are Republicans and have nothing in common with our basic values. They are republicans only number. She is a Republican only number, ”Kinzinger said.

In the midst of the protests of prominent prominent Democrats and activist organizations, he said that Greene renounced or removed from his post, the leader of the minority bank of the Cámara Baja, the Republican Kevin McCarthy, said in the publication Axios that plans to have a conversation with Greene.

