Marjorie de Sousa ya planea boda e hijos con su nuevo novio

Happy life finds itself Marjorie de Sousa, 40 years old, has never been able to totally enjoy it noviazgo with the empress Vicente Uribe, we know that his relationship is so formal, that it’s the proposal matrimony y ella aceptó, y ya hasta viven juntos. A friend of the actress has our account more about this relationship:

How will Marjorie meet?

“Dedicated to his wife and his wife, living in Acapulco and enjoying the rich climate of all, since he passed away in August”.

-How did you change residence?

“For his part, the empress Vicente Uribe, who is now a radical, proposes to live with her.”

-How long is the relationship time?

“Casi nueve meses, desde mayo del año pasado”.

Marjorie de Sousa.

How to get acquainted?

“It is a query like the image of one of its negotiators and here it is known. Fue flechazo the first visit by Vicente, who took it from her and the fue consisted of his gallantry and details of joys and costly rules, and that he is a millionaire man ”.

-In December it happened that at the end of this relationship, it was said that it was happening …

Sí, eso se dijo en un programa (Chisme No Like); sin embargo, días después, el mismo Vicente viajó a Estados Unidos donde hace tal ission para desmentirlo, llevó su divorce de deed quedaba noted that he was not staba casado since March of 2019, for which Marjorie llegó a su vida, he is just a star ”.

-Fore surprise that he hiccups so …

“Sí, sobre todo porque la propia Marjorie se ha negado a dejarse ver con él y tampoco ha hablade de esa relación. When this scandal broke, his publicist, Alberto Gómez, confirmed the novelty, but the name Marjorie did not say anything ”.

-For what?

“Marjorie has a very odd image by the Public Mayor, the venom of a desolate mother who married his father-in-law, Julián Gil; entonces considered that to lie that the people the congratulations, only the reproached his new relationship, for so he did not want to say anything, but with the scandal, if it is accepted by the medium of his publicist ”.

Vicente Uribe.

-Y Vicente also has the reconciliation …

“Because he did not say that, because Marjorie felt very sorry for her that she was living in a matrimony, and before that the people would have more arms for the attack, the Vicente that he loved the car and showed that he was divorced ”.

-Despuot of this, what happened?

“I am one of the most admired and happy, so much so, that he decided on a very important step in his relationship”.

-What do you think?

“At the end of the past year, Vicente organized a very romantic scene for both her and, in the middle of it, the proposed matrimony”.

-¿Qué match – Marjorie?

“If it is possible to lose the emotion and the contest that it is, that it is the love of its life and that it wants to communicate with it; incluso, desde novemembre pasado ya habían tomado la decisión de no cuidarse, Marjorie está muy enthusiasmada con de idea de ser mamma de nuevo ”.

More happy than ever.

-A series?

“Yes, she always has a number of families and Vicente has said that she wants to have a wife with her, they are envious of the life with this possibility”.

-¿To when did you plan to go to the bathroom?

“At any moment we know of the surprise of what has happened; Marjorie told me that due to the pandemic, I would like to have a very intimate ceremony and yes, and when the sanitary situation takes place, have a big party with the family and all their friends ”.

-It’s a cascade …

“If, in 2004, the Venezuelan actor Ricardo Álamo, but only last two years, he is currently prioritizing his career; he only works in Venezuela, donde vivían, pero a Marjorie le surgery surgery in United States, Mexico and Colombia, and no quiso quedarse allá ”.

-Con lo the new body and the embarrassment, Do you have plans to turn to TV?

“Since it was believed, but it was with the people and the public the revelation, that now it has not made an offer, and as it has a multimillion-dollar debt, not the preoccupation.”

La verdad.

-¿Cómo va su pleito con Julián Gil?

“When he knew that he had lost his patriarchy, he did not have much movement, Marjorie conceded that he wanted and was happy to give a figure to his wife. Hecho, since starting to live with Vicente, has decided that his father will ‘papa’ ”.

-¿Y sí lo hace?

‘Pues ya lo logró, el niño ya le dice’papa‘a Vicente y Marjorie desea de esta manner annular a Julián de la vida de su hijo, aunque est ha ha dicho que cuando su pequeño sea más grande, lo buscará y le explicará como su madre los separo, aunque eso ahorita a Marjorie ni le preocupa really ”.

-Isto de la boda, ¿crees que Marjorie lo haga public?

“I dudo, te digo que ni fotos sube con él a sus sociales, est totally totally reserved; “Surely he will not return or he will return to a state of affairs to the extent that all the exclusives, but there is a hecho that the matrimonial pillow and that will soon come a new baby on the truck”, concluded the friend of the actress.
