Durán was found in the new alcalde following the 89.45% of the deeds executed. While the current leader, Ernesto Muyshondt, said that the attacks were carried out excessively, he respected the decision of the electors.
Mario Durán, candidate for New Ideas, met in the new Alcalde of San Salvador to meet his contestant Ernesto Muyshondt, from the ARENA party, who aspired to a second term in front of the commune, according to preliminary dates of the contents of the Tribunal’s acts Supremo Election.
For his part, Muyshondt at a press conference branded this Monday for the sake of gratitude to women who support him during his stay in the Alcaldia of San Salvador.
“In the last months we have seen the most vicious process in the electoral, democratic history of our country. Geen enfrentamos a un contrincante, sino a una Campaign de Estado, con uso indiscriminado, burdo con recursos del Estado, des las institutions en net solo paro promo un los candidates nafitalistas, sino para perseguir, acosar, dañar a los que consideran son sus adversarios politicians ”, said Muyshondt.
Read more: New Ideas won 16 singles from San Salvador’s 19, with preliminary results
The San Salvador exaltation ensures that the attack is on his person, family and as a candidate for excessive duration. También also explained that the pay of the Fodes was a strategy for the alcoholics not to be able to work and act politically.
Calibrate the electoral process as a constant violation of the words “that never exist”. Sondeverbod, if you respect the decision of the electors.
“We respect the decision of the people and we will do everything in our power to make a transparent and orderly transition of the San Salvador Alcaldia for those who want to go to government,” he said.
“We are always looking forward to our country, our democracy, our people, especially the most vulnerable people, our city and all the saviors,” he said.
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In his forward-looking speech, he also took a moment to refer to the actions of the Executive: “I do not apologize to the Government, I do not have a Legislative Assembly to blame for its fractures. Now there are no opposition alcaldias opposites who block, who attack or do not pay the Fodes. Llegó la hora de que ustedes demuestren y den resaltados y no echen culpa o busquen culpables ”, dijo.
Hasta las 3 de la tarde de este lunes, habían sido processadas 475 de un total de 531 actas prelimas date de TSE lo perfilaban como ganador de la communa capitalina el el 89.45 por ciento de las acts escrutadas.
While the ARENA party has 56,838 votes in the total number of proceedings.

Durán proclaims this moon on the moon through his account on Twitter, where he changes his profile information and describes it as “Alcalde electo de la Capital de El Salvador”.
Posterior, his party also responded to Durán’s announcement through a publication on the social network.
“¡A San Salvador vuelven las @nuevasideas! ¡@Marioduran, Alcalde!”, Señaló.
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On February 28, Durán will issue the vote at the Manuel José Arce National Institute, at the Model Barrier, in San Salvador, donated by a group of sympathizers.
Durán’s election took place in the midst of accusations of alleged acts of corruption accompanied by Bukele in his mandate at the front of the capital municipality in the period 2015-2018. in favor of its allied parties New Ideas and Grand Alliance by the National Union (GANA).
A total of 17,074 candidates took part in the election on 28 February in the same year as the agglomerations and large files in the voting centers.
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According to the data of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) more than 5.3 million voters were summoned to own the suffrage in the 8,451 electoral months of the 1,595 voting centers of all countries.
Pes to the salvadorean influenza in the ballot boxes, some voting centers register the assistance of minors from the meeting of their electoral patron, where the case of JRV in Santa Ana, Apopa and Moncagua.