Mario Cárdenas Guillén, hermano de Osiel Cárdenas, is 20 years old

Toluca /

Mario Cárdenas Guillén, The M-1 o El gordo hermano del narcotraficante ex líder del Cártel del Golfo, Osiel Cárdenas Guillén, was sentenced to 20 years in prison for delinquency organized by the hypothesis of committing crimes against the administration, supervision or management functions, which will be completed at a Federal Center for Social Readjustment.

The General Taxation of the Republic (FGR) details that M-1 function as one of the main leaders of the criminal organization the Gulf Card, responsible for drug trafficking, the opera opera in various states of the Mexican Republic.

Agreed with the FGR, under the auspices of the Special Procuring Agency for the Investigation of Organized Delinquency (Seido) and the Subprocuration of Regional Control, Criminal Procedures and Criminal Procedure (SCRPPA), conede in Toluca, que if this sentence is based on the investigations into his participation in the organized crime.

As of June 2019, the law dictated condensate sentencing, the defense appealed the resolution, by which the federal court ordered the repositioning of the procedure; motivo por el cual, el The Federal Public Ministry presents the corresponding tests, by which the judicial authority conede in the State of Mexico analyzed and dictated the condensing sentence of 20 years in prison in contrast to this individual, although the authorities did not disclose the penalty should be included here.

The sentence now is the drug of the drug addict, Osiel Cárdenas Guillén, who suffered from the Cardo del Golfo and who now suffers from the same delusions, but at the international level, in the United States.

