Mario Berríos descarta regressar al fútbol para jugar con Marathón: ‘Voy a colaborar de otra manera’ – Diez

Follow the petition of Héctor Vargas, the ex-football player Mario Berríos download your football regress with the shirt from Marathon y explain his motives.

Regress the captain! Asia Series 11 of Motagua in the Arrangement of the Clausura 2021

A sector of the green affiliation is finding the illusion of turning to the new occupation in the camps. Pero Berríos lo dejó claro.

“It’s always like me because I’re integrated because I’ve got the opportunity to share and I’ve got a plastic that I have the ability to wear because I’m really good at it. , my decisions are clear, it’s a topic that needs to be analyzed with my family, there are content that I want to do, but I have to analyze all aspects, I just want to make a decision about emotion in the camp or want to be on the team’s team . The decision made that it was good as it was, he enjoyed this time of my retreat, I saw it changed for good “, dijo a Panorama Deportivo.

Although the exfubolist, 38 years old, has made it clear that the economic theme does not influence his decision to maintain his duties.

“We do not play at this point. The important thing is to feel good. I’m really good at breaking down the gates because I’ve taken care of health, but football is different from the rhythm. People will come and comment on things. The reason for it that one decision does not follow because it is results and yield “, aggregate.

¿Temor a no rendir? “Nee. I feel good, I can talk to my partner and the teacher. I train like I always do at 100%, I value my stage as a player. I remember some words from Luis Guifarro that I wish I had missed football. “But I felt very comfortable with football and had a positive change in my life”, he argued.

Berríos is part of the team that Vargas has confirmed that he will not be part of the team for the Clausura 2021. In addition, he will support the team in another form.

“Fue bonito ver ese cariño, me ascribieron algunos diciendo que staban contentos de Iba a volver. A ellos les digo que ese compromisso con Marathón y las ganas de ayudar hacen que crezcan. Como le dije al profe Vargas, le agradecí por la oportididad “But I would like to collaborate in another way, to be close to the club, to the players for some advice and to be aware of it,” he said.
