Marie Claire | Hello feminist, The new battle?

Veronica, who can finally enter the Italian Hospital and own as a traumatologist without this initial “filter”. Hoy, con 20 years of trayectoria, dice haberse found with patients who admit that operate with men the daba most security. And remember cases where the person is about to intervene in question “Where is the doctor?” without hesitation think that podium treats a woman.

An ancient asymmetry

Following the publication “Generation in the health sector”, of the United Nations Program for Development (PNUD), Traumatology is one of the specialties with mayor participation of men. For others highly masculinized, as a urologist, surgeon and orthopedic surgeon, has a mayor’s remuneration for ingresses who specialize in more “feminized”, as well as obstetrics and dermatology.

Silencio Hospital

The PNUD publication is current. Señala que, en medicina, “The goods occupy the majority of the cargo yards” and that the medical residencies (necessary for being a specialist and ascending the career) suelen val saam with the reproductive stage of the women, the cual produces tension for conciliar la vida laboral con el hogar.

The result? Is currently in Medicine if you like more men, they are women specializes in minor proportions. But only the doctors suffer from the violent violence; también las padecen pasientes.

Gender inequalities create greetings in many other sentiments. According to the World Health Organization, the heidense women between 19 and 40 for more attention to health, viven more years, tienen more necessities of unhappy health and have more care not remunerated than men (as occupy of babies, nines and adult adults).

Silent Violence

And Argentina, 13% of births come from adolescent mothers and it is calculated that 7 out of 10 embarrassments during this stage of life will not occur. All have a key point. In maternity leave women nos jugamos la vida.

Geen solo por de abandos clandestinos, que ultimale ahora podremos dejar atraas una vez por todas, sino porque quuando decimos ser madres, en la sala paros nos jugamos también la integridad y la dignidad. Sí, la obstetric violence you can noquear and make psychic brands much more deep and indelible that a cicatriz de cesárea.

But this violence is a silent aspect of medical practice. De hecho, no hay cifras oficiales. Following a relevance of the Gender Violence Observatory, a 7 of every 10 women which will take place between 2015 and 2018 artificially break the ball pesar de que esa is a maneuver that has not demonstrated ten benefits and conlleva risks.

Además, un 74% of polls report haber sufrido verbal abuse y / o physical part of the medical team.

‘Callate. If you do not have to grit you will be complete ”. “If so much duel, lo hubieras thought antes”. “Las piernas van acá arriba y dejalas quietas, sino te atamos las manos también” son algunos de los improperios y denigraciones que recoge el book Salud feminista, published in 2019 by editorial Tinta Limón.

Julieta Saulo, author of a chapter and founder of the group Las casildas, signal that obstetric violence is much more than a dramatic theme index of “short” (large number of episiotomies), excessive use of drugs (by the medical parties) and unjustified interventions (such as indigestion).

“It’s not a medical or scientific problem, it’s a treat. a cultural and political support. What succeeds during the dominant obstetric attention (contraception, embarrassment, abortion situations, parties / caesareans and postpartum) is not what else a reflection of a reality until the women come to spend cotidianamente, pero con el volumen rozando el máximo ”, Skriuw in.

According to a report from the United Nations Program for Disarroll (PNUD), well in medicine, more women than men are among those who occupy the majority of jerky cargoes.

Según Saulo, we do not carry out context and “the violence that suffers in these processes is intimately related to the resto de hechos de violencia machista to those that our women live daily and systematically spend ”.

Malena Correa, a medical specialty in public health and an investigator of the Institute for Clinical and Sanitary Effectiveness (IECS) is currently conducting a study to identify the frequency of maltrato during the maternity leave.

Opinion that “occidental medicine is patriarchal by definition”. Ensure that obstetric violence is “a patriarchal practice that directs people with the ability to gesture” and states that it is particularly vulnerable populations, as the persons with disabilities, those who have been sterilized for weeks without the necessary consent.

Moral, educational sexual and spiritual understanding

The patriarchate quenched the “details” of the salud sexual. In public hospitals, for example, self-profiling of muscle profiles, pero no preservatives femeninos, which exist (although they are less known and more carious).

The psychologist and program director of Huésped Foundation, Mar Lucas, predominantly que the involvement in sexual relations (and what they have to do with the salvation of women) is why the bargaining power of the warn woman should be avoided. And if you decide not to ponérselo, la mujer queda en una debilitating situation.

Silencio Hospital

Machian morality rises in the Gynecological consultants.

“I believe that for a woman it is much more difficult (than for a man) to confess sexual practices through a stable couple. It is most difficult for a woman to have sex with her doctor / to have anal sex hace trio porque moral weight, stereotypes and prejudices his many more strengths in them. Before these situations, the women are ours and how Rantatorrantas´, but it is installed that the varones, when more sex tienen, mejor ”, opina Lucas.

While the social stereotypes amordazan and todas las bocas (and especially the ones that use red) in Argentina hooi 5,800 new VIH cases each year, which amounts to the 139 miles of people living with this condition, according to the latest Bulletin Page and Sexual Transmission Transmissions of the Secret of the Nation.

But it appears that the patriarchate does not turn solely to gynecology. From the perspective of the salud spiritual, the psychiatrist Marcelo Cetkovich, director of INECO Foundation, asegura: “One of the precedents that pays for patriarchal culture is the mayor’s incidence of depression in women”.

The specialist confesses that only some of his colleagues toman more seriously the intention of suicide men who swear and explain that the “selective” miracle is not only of the professionals of the health, but that it will attract society in its conjunction.

“In the popular imagination, the women have ten more problems and son more debilitating that men, when all we know are not. To the women, entones, the most difficult things to listen to and receive the due attention”, Asegura, at a time when it is signaling that men will be more likely to be able to help psychiatrists because it is difficult to recognize their vulnerability.

Corazón delator

A study conducted by the Ministry of Health of the Nation revealed that Argentine women are preoccupied more for the health of his family than for his own. This means that, for example, a mother who cares to take care of the gym so that he can visit the pediatrician, will post his check items.

Cabe preguntarse if this favor in favor of the family is a “Mal argentino” or a cultural path without fronts.

‘I did not have to grit for a long time’. ‘Si tanto te duele, lo hubieras pensado antes’. ‘Las piernas van acá arriba y dejalas quietas, sino te atamos las manos también’ son algunos de los improperios a pasientes que recoge el libro Salud feminista.

A video made some years ago by the American Society of Cardiology must have a woman who, to be able to stand the first signs of an entrance, followed the desayuno to his hips.

La Dra.Verónica Volberg, Outpatient Cardiology Consulting Office of the Department of Clinics and Coordinator of Group Corazón y Mujer de la Sociedad Argentina de Cardiología, no video in vínculo con el patriarcado, sino ignorance sanitaria nie:

“The women we have incorporated that we have that we have Mom and uterus annual checks, but we do not have to study studies to see what happens to the heart, when the first cause of death in women is cardiovascular ”.

El tobacco is just one of the risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Marita Pizzarro, coordinator of the InterAmericana Foundation of Corazon (FIC) and director of the area of ​​tobacco of this entity, ensures that at the global level the consumption of cigarettes is growing in the segment of women and advises that the tobacco industry in Argentina is directing its marketing strategies hacia las más jóvenes, con el daño que eso implica para su salud.

Pizarro described Machines and specific strategies of some brands, tales as opposed to beautiful promoters, llamatisas and sexies for that regal cigarettes and tragas at massive music festivals.
We believe that the medical profession can be tan machista as a football match. We can aggravate the fact that the patriarchate does not care, deje de “contagiar” and salpicar machismo to medics and patients.

by Mariana Comolli

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