Maribel Guardia’s routine and diet to maintain your figure

I do not think that many women can choose a figure like the Maribel Guardia at 61 years of age, because what we show is our routine and diet to maintain this tremendous body, we can reveal some secret.

The verdict is that there is no remedy to keep the pace of time free, but there are routine routines and diets that could have excellent results, like those of Maribel Guardia, which were not envied and shared secretly.

This week you will know one of the routines which Maribel Guardia maintains with a figure that many teenagers want to have.

Includes minutes of intense activity with focused aerobic exercises in body zones, such as abdomen and glutes, in addition, no need to remove the abdomen, other than the large secretions of the actress.

Hecho elma misma ha confessed that hay used in those that realized 400 abdominals al día, and the prueba onweerlegbare es su abdomen de acero y bien tonified.

And the most important thing is that there are no pretexts, Maribel has stated that although there is no travel and no gym available, olvida abdominales in hotels, in his rooms or in his house.

Other of the secretos Maribel has a good posture to be sent, with the men behind and the apprehension.

“I like it a lot, I care a lot about it, because, even though it’s delicious, it’s very fat in its part, it’s not good for you, because it’s much abdominal and I avoid it,” he explained.

Además, the conductor dio a conocer que no se m @ ta de hambre y que tampoco hace “milagro diets”, solo lleva una balanceada ala.

When I like a tortilla in the mañana, in the rest of the day I do not like it and avoid the pan, it is the same as a bowl or a biscuit. There are many diets, but it’s important to learn to eat and not saturate grasses, carbohydrates and sugars ”.

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Read on to find out what it means to lose weight, eliminate carbohydrates completely and have a protein-only diet, which, in turn, should be supervised by a nutritionist.

Never in my life was he allowed to put on more than four kilos! ”, Señalo.

To give an example, Maribel reveals to all who come on a day that will surely want to take note.



• To levantarse, the first one takes water also with a lemon juice and a bicarbonate pizza.

• Tea green.

• Eggs with green.



• Salmon with green salad added with balsamic vinegar or olive.



• Atún with lemon and olive oil.

• A little joke.
