Maribel Guardia sube la tempera posando en mini bañador con flecos

Empezando el año con el pie derecho, Maribel Guardia Delete his fans with a provocative photo in which he shows more with a diminuto bañador con flecos. The guapísima cantante and actress of Costa Rican origin must show off her perfect figure and her natural beauty posing in a palm tree in the sea orilla.

Maribel Guardia not much to the imagination and provoke an oil of pirouettes and eulogies by his followers, who will marvel at his extraordinary physics in the original and beautiful bañador con flecos. Maribel Guardia approved that at 61 years of age it is just like that !, and inspired more women of their age to follow in their footsteps.

La ex pareja by Joan Sebastian lució hermosa recharged in a palm tree in front of the sea, visiting only a hermoso and revelador bañador of tires that allow to see sections of his abdomen market, as well as delicate tirados that are stored in his well. But the elegant part brings the clothes that depend on their belt, and that the hiccups look spectacular.

“Empressing a 2021 with hope, with a ball of money to complete and with the best activity to earn and increase 365 opportunities to be happy. Dios nos bendiga a todos ”, expresses the guapísima actress de Corona de Lágrimas.

A 61 years old, Maribel Guardia has tried to be strong, has a base of effort, dedication, much volunteered, and why not? a cat manita, it is possible to lucir as tuviera 30 years of edad.

It has been provoked that many women may want to follow their steps and have their advice to make constant exercise and have an excellent diet, and clearly, one that is another treat, to be able to stay like it and lose radiance and be healthy and that hizo ganarse more than 121 mil hou van and hundreds of comments halagando su belleza.

“You pass Maribel, you see more than stupendous, beautiful, a queen”, “Oh, please do not pass so long in the sun, as the bombs fall! te amamos. Happy 2021 ”,“ Definitely when the human race extends you will be the only one on earth ”, there were some comments.

More force than never

And it’s that it’s a salutary life not only has it helped to maintain a well-preserved and beautiful mantle, it’s that, in addition, it’s enormously fortunate to have health and enforce enmity, like the virus coming from China, which the attack has been for some time , and should be respected.

Maribel Guardia she confesses that she, like her husband, is contagious and only she has some sins like the pain of body and high temperatures, which she sees are very serious about her partner, Marco Chacón, who has time for her life.

It is because Maribel Guardia dijo tener mucho agradecer este nuevo año, pues tuvo una oportunidad más de vivir y de tener a su marido a su lado, lo cual la lena de alegría y dicha en estos difficels tiempos en los que millions des familias en el mundo han perdido a un ser querido a causa de esta aaklige enfermedad.

