Maribel Guardia seals COVID-19, reveals that his wife was buried

Maribel Guardia caused great controversy in social speeches to confess that at some point in the past 2020 it was positive to the test of COVID-19 and that between the symptoms that present the body of the body, scallop and small circulation.

Fue and Twitter do not have to Maribel Guardia explained that it has two temperatures; of equal form revealed that his cause Marco Chacón también se había contagiado de coronavirus, it is debated that it made a decision in all its recovery process.

Maribel Guardia y Marcos Chacón // Instagram

Maribel Guardia reveals that she and her husband Marco Chacón are positive about COVID-19.

It was called the dicho clip attention because the actress and conductor confessed that his wife presented serious symptoms that pusieron in peligo his life, but that his recovery was possible thanks to the medical staff that the proportion to Marcos Chacón various intravenous sugars and anticoagulant drugs.

“Estuvo muy mal, le dio hypo, que es un collagen de Covid-19 que a lotos pasientes les da, son unas contractions des diaphragma, no podía comer, todo lo vomitaba y staba dehidratado”, señaló Maribel Guardia about the contagio of coronavirus in his possession.

Maribel Guardia can follow COVID-19

Maribel Guardia ensure that the notice is made public in order to create awareness between its followers and the public in general, you may consider that COVID-19 it’s an enformedad that can cause great hardships in the life of one, in addition to appreciating the effort that the medical staff has to salvage the contagious.

Die aanbeveling: Kritikus a Maribel Guardia por salir de “FIESTA” con sus amigas

Maribel Guardia y Marcos Chacón // Instagram

Maribel Guardia increases medical staff by saving the life of their spouse.

“It’s a virus, which, when it comes to keeping your house clean, is a demon, and you know what you can do,” concluded Maribel Guardia.

How was your experience with the COVID-19? Leave your reply in the comments, to La Verdad News interest your opinion.

The new cove of COVID-19 continues to be extensively distributed worldwide in Google News and enter all the details.

Photos: Instagram
