Maribel Guardia reveals Joan Sebastian’s infidelity sup

Mexico City /

Maribel Guardia sentimental couple of Joan Sebastian, but his relationship ended at the end in 1995 when she entered that she sang the fue fiel with an actress who participated in the telenovela U yo, la cual protagonizaron. After decades, the actress recorded that the artist’s entourage was still alive during a live broadcast of Ventaneando.

At the moment Juan José Pepillo Origel who participated in the Aztec TV show that she watched Joan Sebastian as an actress Arleth Terán in a bar. Through his statements, Maribel Guardia decided to divorce the artist.

“I have a lot of sad memories of ‘Ventaneando’ because just when I kissed Joan’s horn I got into ‘Ventaneando’ because I’ve been alive today, I’ve been with Joan, I’ve been dead since he ended up with him,” Maribel Guardia recorded for the program.

The actress mentions that at the moment the floor is being chanted while she goes out of her house. Maribel Guardia recognizes that this episode was very painful.

“The day that takes place at the house and never more volvimos. Entones, tengo records really dolorosos, from when the news that Origel said that he saw the night before with Arleth Terán in an anthro”, dijo.

‘Pepillo’ Origel came to Joan Sebastian with Arleth Terán

Asimismo, the periodicist of spectacles related to the fact that he listened to a bar, on Thursday night with Joan Sebastian accompanied by the actress, who is in this entones no good connection.

“Voy a un bar en el Centro Histórico y ahí arrinconado vi a Joan Sebastian con una chava muy guapa (…) Total ya que entonces lo veo y ya vengo y cuento aquí (en ‘Ventaneando’) dije: ‘¿Qué creen “I met Joan Sebastian with Arleth Terán ‘. Maribel was watching the program”, account.

When Pati Chapoy mentioned that the actress was staying at his house in his same room as Joan Sebastian when he heard the news.

“If you are close to him and the bag is all the boots and shoes that you have”, dijo Pepillo.

