Maribel Guardia recovers his romance with Rafael Inclán

Have a date in an interview for the Hoy program, Rafael Inclán revealed that he had a relationship with Maribel Guardia, when she was 19 years old and 38 years old.

Now, who confirmed the romance fue la actriz who has been through an interview with the program ‘Suelta la Sopa’, recorded the novelty that mantuvo with the actor.

The también cantante fue questioned about his relationship with the interpreter, and there is no way to halagar and result fue el primer famoso que conoció when I went to Mexico to work.

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Maribel Guardia, one of the most popular artists in the media, I confess that all the times when I was very young: Tenia yo 19 años y sí, claro, Rafa is a tipazo, a talented, sympathetic man ”, mencionó.

The actress recorded that the giant fueron the causative of that Rafael Inclán find the conqueror: “I always believe that the giant is the food of the alma mater and nothing more pleasing than a sympathetic man“, revealed.

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Add to that the fact that his termination relationship has many years and when both work in the ‘ficheras’ movies, he maintains a cordial relationship.

I like it a lot, hemos trabajado juntos en telenovelas y todo el tempemp me lo encuentro, le tengo un gran cariño, finalized by Maribel Guardia.
