Maribel Guardia protagonizes the MEME of the moment; new image of famous chocolate

Si no es por su belleza y atractiva figura, es por su edad e Increble fsico state in which he always finds out Maribel Guardia da qu qu hablar y est en center de la conversacin del spectacle.

Ahora la famosa kantante, actress, model y conductor is a protagonist, a vez ms of a new meme which has a strong tendency.

Take a photo with a photo of Maribel in the tradition of the traditional chocolate abuelita, cual trae en la imagen a una tierna mujer de la tercera edad pero en su lugar fue colocada Guardia.

The bromine was torn to shreds by the famous famine in San Jos, Costa Rica, who in 2021 will read anything ms and nothing less than the 62 years of edad, by what is considered in the third party.

Here is the MEME of the tick:

Meme de la vacunacin

Hace apenas una semanas Maribel Guardia protagonize also another meme pero related to the vacancy of the adult adults in Mexico.

The image is alive and well kantante y actress formed in a lane of seniors, pero eso s, she presumes a cultural figure and without losing the glamor:

