Mariana Seoane had a terrible experience with Covid

Mariana Seoane, 44 years old, accounted for the stories of Instagram stories that are very positive to Covid-19 stuvo is very delicate and it is the actress account that tuvo some sins that hicieron pass one of the most difficult nights that she padecido.

Watch the video you want to remove and tilt the perfect side of the tambien, the embargo, and Twitter’s difundió. In dicho clip Mariana explained that the step is very bad, although it has energy to make various things in his house and also have the state of health of his mother.

“Mala noche porque tuve mucho dolor como de cuerpo cortado, mucho la verdad. It’s the most difficult night. The temperature is not a pude descansar bien. It’s a complicated night, ”he said.

Although I have always been preoccupied with the actress and the health of her mother, who also tambiénin is contagious, but I will make sure that she is better: Bendito Dios Padre ”.

Mariana's Mother

We note that we have had Mariana Seoane announce in her social speeches that she is opposed to nursing, although at this time she confesses that she has not presented any symptoms until now, but since she was positive she was only in her home to avoid more viruses .

Mariana Seoane
