Mariana Ochoa from ‘OV7’ responds to CRITICISM for vacationing in full PANDEMIA

Mariana Ochoa de ‘OV7’ finds itself in a big media scandal, lie of being criticized for vacationing in Mérida, Yucatán, en plena pandemia de COVID-19. Y donde cientos de usuarios la tacharon de ‘unreasonable’.

Prohibition of probes, la kantante no quiso quedarse call the critics and defend senalando that the state of Yucatan is encounters in orange semaphor, ensuring that during all its travel respect the medidas sanitarias.

Through an intervention in the “Ventaneando” program, Mariana Ochoa revealed that only visited groups in reduced groups to follow the hygiene protocol in advance of the sanitary crisis by COVID-19.

“The steps that you take at the moment in groups of up to 10 people, usually all the time you have with your cubrebocas”

Fueron part of the declarations of the integrative ex of ‘OV7’, which also mentions that the unique moment in which the cubrebocas were acknowledged when they met to approach a cenote of the State.

mariana ochoa pandemic

Kritikus to Mariana Ochoa to vacation in full pandemic

I agree with what can be observed in its social speeches, Mariana Ochoa visited the inaugurated Casa-Museo Manzanero; donde recorded with his wife the composer Yucateco, with whom he grabbed the musical theme “Somos novios” for the telenovela “La hija del jardinero”.

Mariana Ochoa defends the critics

Although the kantante has been defended by his last transfer to the state of Yucatan, the critics hacia ella no han cesado, pues recordemos that the number of contagios of COVID-19 he increased during the last week in all the extension of the country.

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We record that we have a week, Mariana Ochoa estuvo entre los titulares más destacados de La Verdad News, sugir de sufrir un pequeño accidente en su casa, al grado de solicitar ayuda medica.

Destroy Donald Trump in his second political juicie? Gypsy and Google News and information.
