María Levy has a great influence on the natural dose

La hija de la fallecida Mariana Levy, María Levy has been distracted in his social speeches by publishing various photos of his anatomy, because on this occasion the exception was not made.

And although there are always images that are very artistic, break the rules for a chair of love propio.

In the short video you can observe Mariana teaching her figure from two different perspectives.

In the light of the details of the skin is suavizan, while in the light dura, the “imperfections” are marked more.

“Posing in light sua / relajada in luz dura⁣, la luz dura crea sombras muy marcadas, muy oscuras y hace que los detalles de la piel (celulitis, estrías, cicatrices, arrugas, pelitos) se perciban con mucha más intensidad.⁣ La luz suave crea sombras claras con contormos defuminados que hace que los details de la piel se suavicen.⁣ La luz es una herramienta que se usa mucho para esconder “imperfecciones”, explicó.

Finally the young reitero that one always has to love his body and how it is.

María Levy is beautiful

“What you want to say is: ⁣ your body, you are your pompis, your brazos, your panza, your piernas, your carita, your todo merece that you love”.

I currently have the visual material with more than 20,395 likes and various comments on what I like about it.

María Levy is beautiful
