Margarita “La Diosa de la Cumbia” is vaccinated against Covid-19

Yucatán.- This Saturday is the song of Colombian origin, Margarita María de Santa Teresa, known as Margarita “La Diosa de la Cumbia” fue vacunada contra el Covid-19 en una unidad del ISSSTE in Mutul, Yucatán, generating a controversial force in the state and that, vecinos of the local area assured that no live here, in addition to the adult mayor.

Through social speeches, in various photographs taken, it was announced that the amount was taken to the medical unit to receive the vaccine.

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In a video shared on social media, the singer mentions that he is vacant against the Covid-19 and invites the public to be unconcerned, a situation that has caused a long period of criticism against the singer.

According to some versions that Margarita was led by the PAN candidate in the municipal election, Aremy Mendoza Cuevas shared some of the images in which he observed along with the song, the one who wears the same clothing as in the video difundido.

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The pictures were taken in the official account of the panicist Aremy Mendoza

Despite the success, Mutul’s executives outlined their disgust at the fact that the song was not the song of their locality, as well as the part of the sector that had to be vacated, and that the song was 60 years old.

Tras ello, the governor of Yucatán sacrificed a communion in which he explained that the secretary of Salud, Mauricio Sauri Vivas, solicitaba to the national authorities of salud, responsibility in the management of the vacancies.

As well as researching the denunciations and reporting that they are signaling the vacancy of persons who are not part of the federal employer of major adults for the vacancy.

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