March March approval of the $ 1,400 check

The project that seeks to raise $ 1,400 for contributors could be based on the mediators of the next month.
The Commissioner of Puerto Rico in Washington, Jenniffer González, explained that the matter should be approved in the week of February 22 in one of the bodies of the United States Congress. The Chamber of Deputies will be present in the week of 22 (February), from here in the Senate, and from here it is open to the President’s firm. If you are voting for the party line, then you have no choice but to discuss it with the Republicans, as they will have to vote, and they will have to go to the president’s firm, I estimate between the second or third of March ”, Indicator interviewed with WKAQ.

The recommendation:

This project, in addition to the $ 1,400 per person, will include an additional check for the dependency tax.
A dependent is not limited to a hive, so that social security number has been added to the contribution rate on entry. These checks are not subject to administrative, federal or statutory duties in the alimony pension.
If the Benefits of the Coronavirus Response to Coronavirus of the Families First Act are extended, by the time paid by the nurse and the credit credits known to be paid that expired March 31, 2021 until September 30, 2021
The benefit for example, which expires in May, now extends to August and increases from $ 300 to $ 400 weekly.
Employers who pay arrears during the pandemic are extending the period to apply for the credit until 31 December 2021.

See the interview here:
