March 9th price

To start operations the price of dollars hoy martes es de hasta 21.69 pesos en bancos. Thus, the type of interbank exchange rate is 21.24 pesos per dollar, with a gain of 1.22 per cent.

Citibanamex sell the dollar at 21.69 pesos per dollar, while Banorte lo hace at 21.75 pesos, BBVA Mexico of 21.52, Santander of 21.23 y Banco Azteca of 21.10 units.

The peso is appreciated over four consecutive years, while the dollar is subject to a maximum of three months and a medium debt to the establishment of the yields of the bonuses of the United States Treasury that allow algae in risk divisions.

What is the type of change?

Bank basis explained in a report that the appreciation of the peso was due to a corrective move to record depreciations at 1 per cent during four consecutive sessions. The same is observed with the dollar of the state, which indicates that it has shown a decline of 0.43 per cent, the first since a week and the mayor from the 9th of February.

From the point of view of technicality, the index of the dollar is found around the market of resistance by its 200-day mobile bill, which raises the probability that corrections will be observed in the short-term plaza. However, the trend towards dollar exchange rate observed since 26 February is currently being maintained, due to the risk of new movements beyond the post-exchange rate.

In the exchange market the majority of the Ghanaian land divisions are front facing the dollar, with the highest appreciation of the Turkish lira at 1.38 per cent, followed by the South African rand at 0.95 per cent and the Mexican pound at 0.86 per cent. During the session, due to the dollar’s creditworthiness, a mayor’s demand was observed for Treasury bonuses, which, in 10 years’ time, showed a significant decline of 5.7 base points, averaging 1.53 per cent.

Cabe records that, in preview sessions, the Fed speculates that it will abandon anticipating its flexible position to increase interest rates, which it has made to the dollar. It is important to note that the movement of the bags of interest in the bonus market has also resulted in a correction, since no indication has been given of the events that the movement has taken.

The United States Treasury has a total of 58 million dollars in notes over three years. The weddings subastar 38 million miles in bonuses in 10 years and the jewels 24 million in bonuses in 30 years. The demand for these products will be key for the market.

On the other hand, the petroleum initiated the session with gains, with the WTI contributing $ 65.28 per barrel, showing an increase of 0.37 per cent, in addition to the generalized repayment of the dollar.

As far as relevant information is concerned, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has updated its crime forecasts for 2021 and 2022. In Mexico, it is expected to see a crime rate of 4.5 per cent this year, increased by 6 ten, it means that by 2022 there will be a crime of 3 per cent.

As for economic indicators in Mexico, consumer and producer inflation data are published in February.

Dollar in real time

El euro is sold on ventanilla at a maximum of 25.85 pesos and is sold at 25.27 pesos. For its part, the book esterlina is offered at 30.00 pesos and is purchased at 29.54 pesos.

El Banco de México (Banxico) recorded the session preview a change of 21.41 pesos for dollars.

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