March 12th price

To initiate operations the price of the dollar hoy viernes is up to 21.25 pesos in banks. Thus, the interbank exchange rate is set at 20.76 pesos per dollar, with a loss of 0.80 per cent.

Citibanamex sell the dollar up to 21.25 pesos, while BBVA Mexico lo hizo of 21.04, Banorte of 21.05, Santander of 20.80 y Banco Azteca of 20.84 units.

The lost weight ante lunder pressure to speculate that the Federal Reserve may adopt a monetary stance less flexible than the accelerated economic recovery of the United States.

What is the type of change?

Bank basis explained in a report that the person initiated the session with a depreciation ante a regression of the prices alza del dolar estadunidense. In the exchange market, all the divisions in the canada are full of major cross-border divisions.

“The Mexican peso was the most deprecated division, with only a record loss from the 7:30 hours published in the United States’ Index of Producer Prices,” he said.

In recent weeks, the market has paid attention to indicators of prices in the United States, speculating on inflationary pressures and that, as a consequence, it is possible that the Fed will moderate its monetary stance, which it has now.

“The dollar dollar rate is associated with the prices of the interest rates in the bonus market, with the tax rate of the Treasury 10 years ahead of 5.4 points based on 1.59 per cent, up to a maximum of 1.61 per cent , looking at the maximum in the year of 1.62 per cent ”, dijo.

The pressure is on the persistence of the speculation that the Federal Reserve can adopt a less flexible monetary position ahead of the accelerated economic recovery of the United States. Although in the future, the expectations of economic growth in 2021 are around 5 per cent, this is considered an optimistic scenario, some projections in the market are between 6 and 7 per cent.

The previous one agrees that ayer Joe Biden promulgated the Ley de alivio coronavirus for 1.9 trillion dollars. On the other hand, during his Biden Press conference he said that for the first time in May all adult adults would be eligible to be vaccinated, hoping to start with the full review of their economy for July principles.

Dollar in real time

El euro is sold on ventanilla at a maximum of 25.27 pesos and is sold at 24.78 pesos. For its part, the book esterlina is offered at 29.30 pesos and is available at 28.86 pesos.

El Banco de México (Banxico) recorded the session previewing a cambio type of 20.71 pesos for dollars.

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