Marcelo, the brother of Michelle Renaud, is illusory about having a hermanita

He passed away four years ago Michelle Renaud debut in the maternity leave with the birth of Marcelo, an accent that changed completely on the spot, as the same thing he reconciled. “I have no doubt that I live to know what the day my baby was born, he always had a very strong life and he liked me because he was with Marcelo he came to demonstrate that he is unconditional love”, confesses to the actress the year passed in interview for El Universal. If this is an important fact for you, When It comes to Danilo Carrera, many are preguntaban and tenien between his plans convert to padres, duda that finally resolve days after announcing his separation. “We’ll be nice and happy, we’ve like a family, we’ve married and we’re too late ¿Saben? Tenemos la misma edad, tenemos 32 años, yo estoy adelantada en procesos, yo creo que ya estoy en la edad de hacerlo pero estoy adelantada en procesos, yo tengo mi hijo, quiero otro hijo ya pronto, yo quiero una familia “, confesó la starred in telenovelas and the principles of this month. But in addition to her and her fans, he was also illusory about the idea of ​​bringing a new baby to his house and converting her to a German mayor’s. su mamá, ¿quieres verl? Haz Klik abajo.

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