Marcapaso inalámbrico que salva vidas

With technological advances in medicine, people with critical conditions have major opportunities to increase their quality of life.

Dr. Helder Hernández Rivera, electrophysiologist at the San Lucas Episcopal Medical Center in Ponce.

Agencia Latina de Noticias Medicina y Salud Pública

The evolution of a traditional cable market into an inlamambrique, for example, has resulted in great benefits for patients with slow cardiac pulses.

Traditional versus inexplicable markets

The brands have their medical devices that are used when the heart attack of a person is very slow, which is known as bradycardia. According to Medline Plus, the portal of the National Library of Medicine of the United States, the brand is looking to “send a signal to the choir that it wants to break the correct rhythm”. But insert this type of device in the traditional way, both the skin of the thumb, representing the most dangerous and short the space for the patient.

“The traditional marquee requires a surgical incision to implant the cables or electrodes inside the coronary artery and has a high risk of infection of the hernia. It will supply the cables through the vein as well as its riesgos because it inserts an aguja and can pinch the pulmon, create hematomas or tendon force. With time these cables can require replacement or remover and one time they adhere to the tejido sacarlo no there is an easy tarea. In addition, the batteries have been repaired every 6 to 8 years and the powder has an infection of the skin every time it opens, ”explained Dr. Helder Hernández Rivera, electrophysiologist at the San Lucas Episcopal Medical Center.

Pero la llegada hace unos años del marcapaso sin kabels Micra, significantly reduced the duties or complications associated with implanting the traditional marcapaso.

“The Micra is a minimally invasive procedure, but the marquee is inserted through a catheter or a probe that will be passed through the veins of the English angel, similar to a catheterism. There is much less invasive because you do not have to have an incision, so as not to run the risk of infection, you are not looking for the pulmonary that can cause trauma. Through the catheter we lift the marquee that is small, more than the size of a tampon (25 cents). “One of the things we’re sure about is that the brand has good products and it’s not going to work, we’ll pay for it, we will get the catheter and the patient with a sale,” the specialist said.

What patients can benefit from Micra?

According to Dr. Hernandez Rivera, although new technologies are constantly being developed with this device without cables, all cardiac patients are candidates for the Micra implant. This device is recommended for patients with atrial fibrillation associated with atrial fibrillation or with sinus nodule disease (Sick sinus syndrome), for patients with cardiac block, a condition that predisposes to bradycardia with atrioventricular block or puncture.

“Insert a market for the angel is attractive to these patients because it preserves the veins of the superior part for its dialysis processes”, said the certified electrophysiologist in this type of procedure.

Other benefits of this illegal marketing, approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA, by its seal in English), are just the time of surgery, which can last only media time, as well as the time of hospitalization and recovery. “The recovery period is significantly minor and the patient alone has a night at the hospital for monitoring and insuring that there is no mayoral complication. It’s another day and a week’s downhill, avoiding forceful activities, errands or doubling down. During the week, the puncture area is usually very well and the patient regresses to his normal life ”, says the doctor about the sale of this type of device versus the implant of traditional marking, if a patient is restricted to it movements of the breeze around a month.

The area on the account with this procedure

At the Episcopal Medical Center San Lucas in Ponce, we are launching Micra brand implants, which have a battery life of approximately 12 years. According to Dr. Hernandez Rivera, the result was very satisfying for the patients he opted for this alternative.

“Recently there was a case of a patient who had a traditional bruising that was the infection. The marcapaso erosion the skin and tuft that is resurfaced. If so I recommend to the patient the Micra to not correct the same risk. Y le ha ido muy bien. We will avoid the infection and the damaging risks associated with the traditional market ”, he concluded.