Marc Anthony showed a speaker exhibiting lo lo adormilado

The song Marc Anthony le ha devuelto una broma molesta al popular locutor de radio de Miami Enrique Santos, with an enormous cartel in a car park where the cell phone number of this person appears for the person to call it.

Local media are hiccuping eco este mércoles de la venganza de origen puertorriqueño porque Santos la semana pasde de despert con una llamada de Facetime y colgó un video en las redes el se se ve en con de pantalón de pijama y el pecho al aire , adored and finally happy.

When Marc Anthony reacts to the call, Santos says “he can not stop now, bro.


The salsa atina apenas a decir, con una mala palabra included, algo como “¿entonces para qué me llamas?” antes de que el “occupid” Santos corte la llamada.

It was taken from #EstoyOcupadoChallange, a challenge launched by Santos to showcase the reactions of musicians and friends like Gente de Zona, Lele Pons y Prince Royce, in addition to Marc Anthony.

The vengeance of this market with the cartel kicked off at a highway passed by Haileah, a city of Hispanic mayorally close to Miami, gives the Santos program on FM FM 94.9 many eyes.

The cartel has a photograph of Marc Anthony with a cigarette in the box next to the phrase in English “Llame a Enrique Santos” and the number 786-774-2777 and below: “¿Quién está riéndose ahora”.


“The type of radio”, as Santos autodenomizes in his comments on social media, is accompanied by a great sense of humor in the repression of his friends and accepts the broma. “Hoy me tocó a mi. Wow que clavada Flaco !!! WTF”, written.

