Marc Anthony in Beckham, Cruz’s Party Companion

The passing of time and the victories of Victoria and David Beckham each are even greater. Y es que, este end de semana, Cruz, the minor of Beckham chicos, completed 16 years, because the family does not care about celebrate the meeting with an elegant committee.

The Beckham family celebrates the 20th of February at the bright restaurant ‘Komodo’, located on Brickell Avenue in Miami, Florida. As you would expect, the celebration counts with great details, from a large pastel of three pieces to the presence of the great salsa, Marc Anthony.

Y es que, como bien se sabe, the interpretation of ‘Vivir mi vida‘s el padrino de Cruz Beckham, for what his presence in the complements of this it is not surprising for women who are looking for the life of the Beckham family.

Cabe mentions that this celebration also includes the great Dave Grutman, owner of the restaurant, who did not have to share a postal entertainment through his social speeches: “Navigating through the 16. HBD”, expressed the printer in the description of the image.

Marc Anthony and David Beckham, criticists for not following the security measures against the coronavirus

Once upon a time there was a photograph of Marc Anthony celebrating together with Beckham the God of the world in social speeches the singer and the ex-football player will receive critical accusations by not bringing in bullying and making a case for social distance.

Ante ello, a source close to the salia family on his defense, expressing that “Miami has different regulations in the United Kingdom: The family is very careful and observes the rules where sea is and is tested with regularity. This is a scene in a private salon and a time in the month the people are willing to use masks ”.

Please note the statements made by this source, please note that, in Miami, only you can return the cubrebocas in the interior of a restaurant when it is ingesting foods or babies and when it is smoking.
