Maradona is 24 years old, the club is on the payroll: Careca

Mexico City /

Antonio Careca fue uno de los jugadores más cercano a Diego Armando Maradona during its stadium in the Naples. The Brazilian reveals some passages from the conviction of Maradona with the plant and the atmosphere that is lived in this era.

‘The first encounter with Diego marked me. Vino a mi casa y me dio un abrazo. I opened the gates. On Monday we will train for the first time and we will do everything easily. Hablábamos la misma lengua. Maradona was alegría. La gite disfrutaba de verl”, Account the ex delantero to a radio program called El Enganche.

Juntos ganaron in the Italian team a Scudetto (hoy Serie A) en 1989/1990, una UEFA Cup (1989) and one Supercopa de Italia (1990).

“It was easy to play with him, but he also had his hard times, because he was more than ready to play with anyone. Convivía con la genialidad. The best assistance with the day against Rome. I have a millimeter and I shoot the pelota”, Recorded.

“Imagine lo die series Diego hoy con 22, 23 ó 24 años. Ningún klub lo podría pagar. Maradona geen tendría klub del dinero que saldría. Ni un banco entero alcanzaría ”, subrayo haciendo hincapié al talent of del Argentine.

Including, the companion of Maradona explained how the Argentine lifts the locker at the moment.

“Diego has a current present. In the most difficult times, always. Disclaimer of Liability. I know that the podium is a solo game, but a team is built with an enterprising group. And lo lideraba. We call responsibility ”, aggregate.
