Manufacture the first lot of car batteries that can be loaded in 5 minutes

The batteries based on nanotechnologies do not cost more than the existing ion ions.

The batteries are capable of charging in only 5 minutes and have a factory break for the first time, marking an essential step in the goal of reducing the charging time for electric cars, as well as the diner who can repost a vehicle with a gasoline engine o diesel.

The new lithium-ion battery was designed by the Israeli company StoreDot and manufactured in a stand-alone production line from Eve Energy in China, StoreDot announced.

StoreDot has demonstrated its extremely fast charging devices for mobile phones, drones and scooters, and this is the initial lot of 1,000 units that acaba production will be used to promote the technology between automakers and other companies, informs The Guardian.

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Daimler, BP, Samsung and TDK realized investments in StoreDot, which is not necessary 130 million dollars has the moment and time included in the Bloomberg indicator for new energy finances in 2020.

Existing lithium ion batteries use graphite as an electrode in which lithium ions are inserted to load the charge. While a fast cargo, the ions are congestion y can be converted into metal y cause a short circuit.

StoreDot ha replaced the graphite with semiconductor nanoparticles in those cases the ions can pass more quickly and easily. Currently using nanoparticles of germanio, pero the company planea usar silicon, to be more careful, and hope to get the prototypes more late this year.

Según Doron Myersdorf, director of StoreDot, el cost of the battery will be equal to the existing ones of lithium ions.

StoreDot has the objective of providing a sufficient load of 100 million (160 km) in five minutes to 2025, but this will require one cargo infrastructure much more powerful than what is currently being used.

“The obstacle for an extremely fast car is not the battery,” Myersdorf said.

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